Safety items for your speedboat

Safety items for your speedboat

Navigating is necessary but being safe is essential. The fun times, leisure and rest with your family and friends become even better and more peaceful, if you have ensured that all the useful accessories for speedboats are on board and in good condition. When buying safety equipment for a boat, you should never think in saving money.

It is important to always look for quality items that work properly in case of an emergency. By neglecting these items, you will be placing yourself at risk and the people on your boat. Take enough items and be prepared for the unexpected. Now, we’ll bring some equipment that are essential for a complete safety of your vessel. Are they:

Fire extinguisher – Fire is one of the most serious accidents that a vessel may suffer. Even though it is not common, it is essential to prevent. The vessels are composed of electrical networks and flammable liquids which, if not properly inspected periodically, may cause a breakdown or fire. Always have one fire extinguisher properly working.

Life jacket – This is a mandatory accessory on boats, helping to safeguard everyone on the vessel, in case of an emergency. The number of lifejackets on a speedboat must be equal to the total of people on board. In addition, all sizes must be considered since there may be children on board.

First aid kit- small accidents such as: burns, bruises and cuts can always happen, which is why it is important to have basic first aid solutions. Some important suggestions are medicine for seasickness, antiallergic for mosquito bites, ointment for burns, bandages and patch for wounds and aspirin for pain relief.

Circular buoy – This is another essential example of an accessory for boats, since it helps in the rescue of people who fall overboard. Noting that the buoy circular must contain the registration number of the product approval, as it guarantees that the product is in good quality. If the float does not show the number, it is possible that you will receive a fine in case of inspection.

Emergency flares- They are used for times of distress, in case of any unforeseen incident with the vessel. The emergency beacons are indicated for long and short distance rescue.

Other items that can become profoundly useful for navigation are: magnetic needle, binoculars, ropes, compass, radar, echo sounder, a kit of tools, whistle, bell, general emergency alarm and a flashlight in open sea according to the size of the vessel.

It’s not enough just to buy the items to throw them in a corner of the boat without never read the instruction manual. When purchasing any equipment, you must familiarize yourself with its use. Nowadays it is very easy to search for information on the web. Sailors and navigators post texts with recommendations and tutorials of all kinds of security items.

If you liked these tips and are ready to buy your vessel, look for Coral’s speedboat catalog. We have exclusive models, that perfectly meet your needs.


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